How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Mistakes Parents Make With Stressed Out Children
Webinar Replay presented by
Dr. Robin Arthur
nationally recognized psychologist and parenting expert
If You're Struggling With a Stressed Child,
You Don’t Want to Miss This Presentation!
In This Presentation, YOU WILL LEARN
How to avoid things parents with stressed-out kids often do that only worsen things!
Common reasons your kids are stressed out in the first place.
Proven techniques for creating calm in your child.

This Presentation is MUST-WATCH if you’ve noticed your child:
Lose interest in the activities they used to enjoy
Withdraw from friends and family
Feel sad or worried about illness or death
Has frequent unprovoked temper tantrums
Behave in ways that concern you
My personal invitation to you
I would love for you to learn what creates stress and unhealthy behavior in our children. I am confident you will come away with some new ideas about changing the way you react and interact with your child, whatever their age.
Our reactions are often based on love but fueled by our frustration with our children’s behavior. I know. I raised four children, now all grown, and had my share of tripping over my feet as I learned what would work best.
So now it’s time for me to share what I’ve learned with you. With two decades and thousands of patients who have benefitted, I am confident I can teach you some things you can do that will provide solutions to the stress and anxiety that your child is experiencing.
I hope you will join me so you can discovers ways to make things better for your child and your family!
See you soon,Dr. Robin Arthur